Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Senator Ronan Mullen seeks re-election...

Dear friends,

Beatha agus sláinte! Please ignore and excuse this message if you have had some email from me directly over the last number of weeks. I am sending this email to contacts on an old list but there may be some overlap.

(If you haven’t heard from me in a while, maybe you might let me know and I’ll add you to my newer list. I try not to plague people but I might send you an occasional message if that’s alright.)

Ballots are now arriving by registered post for the Seanad election on the NUI graduate panel. I am seeking re-election and I would be very grateful for any support you can give. There are 27 candidates running. It will be a tight race and every single vote counts. The deadline for completed ballots to reach the NUI is 11 a.m. on 27th April.

If you are a registered NUI graduate voter, please consider me for your No. 1 vote or highest available preference. I would also be very grateful if you saw fit to mention me to NUI graduates among your family, friends and colleagues.

Please see for more information about my political values and proposals.

Since my election in 2007 I have sought to test policy and legislaton for how it impacts on human dignity in particular. I introduced the first ever Oireachtas debate on the need for better quality end-of-life care in our hospitals, nursing home and at home. Working with organizations like Ruhama, I have been vocal on the issues facing victims of human trafficking. I introduced the Stem Cell Research (Protection of Human Embryos) Bill – legislation which would protect human embryos while supporting highly promising adult stem cell research.

I believe that investment in education is critical to our social and economic recovery. I favour state support for denominational and other schools – the key value being respect for person, and for the values and preferences of parents and communities.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

With best wishes. Beir bua agus beannacht,



Rónán Mullen
Senator, NUI Graduate Panel
Leinster House
Dublin 2
087 2446911

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Bring back the Blue Hussars

An officer of the Cardinal Legate

Regarding the forthcoming State visit. It's not the first time that the Queen has visted Ireland. Unless you are an extreme Unionist and believe that the six counties are part of Britian and not Ireland.

I, for one, will not be in attendance. Firstly, because I am a Jacobite. Secondly, because the State's ceremonial is terrifically boring. If Betty had a mounted escort and a few Heralds to announce her arrival I might make the effort. But, alas, because modern Ireland espouses a negative Nationalism anything which is redolent of perfidious Albion is automatically tainted.

There was a time when there was a colourful aspect to the Irish army.

The Lord Mayor

Saturday, 5 March 2011

The High Court Judgement in England and how IT WILL affect Eire…

The recent High Court judgement in England is totally perverse. Effectively Mi Lords have suggested that Christians with traditional views on sexual ethics are unsuitable as foster carers, and that homosexual ‘rights’ trump freedom of conscience in the UK.
For some time I have wondered why the ‘Rights’ industry seems to think that ‘Rights’ are primarily about protecting the interests of people who engage in unnatural sexual acts. In concrete terms what this means is that the Gay community have ‘rights’ which have priority over any rights that the Catholic community may be said to enjoy.
Since Mi Lords have decided that parents are harming their children, by virtue of telling them that buggery is wrong, how long will it be before social workers remove children from parents who hold such ethical views? I estimate ten years.
How will all this affect Ireland? Well, to be blunt, the dominant culture is Anglo-American. Which means that what happens, in social terms, in England has a nasty habit of migrating over here. So, we can expect similar legal rulings in about ten year’s time.
The only solution is for parents to wake up to the fact that turning their children into Anglo-American cultural clones is morally inadvisable.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

'Badchick' didn't make it. My hearty commiserations. To coin a phrase: better luck the next time my dear!

As far as I can make out Ivana Bacik has two political roles in life. One is to campaign against female genital mutilation (fair enough) and the other is to campaign for legalised abortion. There are some highly amusing comments on regarding her ongoing political embarrassments. This one caught my eye:

Let's see -

2004: Ran in European Elections, failed to be elected
2009: Dublin Central Bye-Election, failed to be elected
2010: Labour Party selection convention, Dublin SE, failed to get nomination
2011: General Election, Dún Laoghaire, failed to be elected

In fairness, I will give her every credit for perseverance, but her experience with the voters this time is far from being a once-off.

When will this dear lady wake up to the fact that nobody wants her. Even in leafy, liberal Dun Laoghaire. She has no appeal politically, visually, intellectually or otherwise. Anyone who has seen and  heard her, in whatever context, knows this: